Tuesday, December 17, 2024

A Costly Mistake by Peter Hollands

Peter Hollands is a very talented young bridge player who was a grand master at 23 and has represented Australia and Victoria in open...

Taking All Your Chances by Peter Hollands

Peter Hollands is a very talented young bridge player who was a grand master at 23 and has represented Australia and Victoria in open...

Video: Frozen Suits…MUST KNOW explanation

A silent PowerPoint presentation based on teaching notes by Bernie Hunt at the First Class Bridge Academy in Essex.

In 3NT, what to promote?

Source: BridgeHands

Animated Bridge with Andrew Robson

Source: https://www.andrewrobson.co.uk

Controversial Decisions by Peter Hollands

Peter Hollands is a very talented young bridge player who was a grand master at 23 and has represented Australia and Victoria in open...

Cash your sure winners!

Source: https://skybridgeclub.com/

With a NT Contract, count your winners!

Source: https://skybridgeclub.com/

Who Has The Club King by Peter Hollands

Peter Hollands is a very talented young bridge player who was a grand master at 23 and has represented Australia and Victoria in open...

How To Intrafinesse by Peter Hollands

Peter Hollands is a very talented young bridge player who was a grand master at 23 and has represented Australia and Victoria in open...