Source: Imagination and Technique in Bridge Dealer East. E/W Vul
5 2 A 10 6 3 2 A 7 6 4 A K
A K Q J 8 3 Q 10 5 3 Q J 4
West North East South
2 41
Pass 4NT Pass 5
Pass 6 Pass Pass
1- 3 would promise 5-5 in spades and clubs.
Martin Hoffman
Martin Hoffman
West leads 8, wich you decide to ruff in hand. All follow when you cash A but West discards a club when you play K. At this vulnerability, East will have at least six hearts along with his four trumps. Obviously you need to hold your diamond losers to one. How so you play to do this and so justify your bold leap to 4? Solution:
Tim Bourke
Tim Bourke
Draw the remaining trumps, throwing hearts from table then cash A – K and A, throwing a diamond from hand. This will give you a better count on the E/W hands. Whenever East has two diamonds play A and a low diamond. This wins whenever East has J or K, a 70% chance. When East has a singleton diamond and the full deal is: Dealer South. N/S Vul
5 2 A 10 6 3 2 A 7 6 4 A K
7 8 4 K J 8 2 10 9 8 7 6 5 10 9 6 4 K Q J 9 7 5 9 3 2
A K Q J 8 3 Q 10 5 3 Q J 4
These cards remain:
10 A 7 6 4
K J 8 10 9 K Q J 9 9
8 Q 10 5 Q
When You ruff 10 West comes under pressure. A diamond discards sees you play A and another diamond, setting up your twelfth trick immediately. On a club discard, cash Q throwing a low diamond from table before leading Q from hand. Whether West follow with a low card play or covers with K, play low from dummy! In the later case West will no doubt exit 8 and you will run it to your 10 for the twelfth trick. Don’t forget to follow us @