Source: BridgewinnersKrzyztof Martens
I’d like to show you one of my best ideas in bidding. The name is extra length transfer bid. Very easy and you can win one level in one way bidding.
This is the simple version. Full version I just publish in my books: Extra Length Transfer
Opening 1Sequence I.
1 – 2
2 – 2NT
3 – 5 +5 – transfer for .
3 – 6 – 4 – transfer for
3 – club fragment 1543
3 – 3541
3NT – 2542
Opening 1
1 —2
2 —2NT
3 – A. transfer to diamonds, 5 spades and 5+diamonds shape;
3 – B. club fragment, 5-1-4-3 shape;
3 – C. transfer to spades, showing 6 spades and 4 diamonds;
3 – D. heart fragment bid showing 5-3-4-1;
3NT – E. 5-2-4-2 shape.
Let’s ponder a bit longer over the following sequences.
W / E
A 9 8 6 3 2 K
6 A 10 6 5
A K J 7 3 Q 10 8 6
5 A 10 9 7
Classical auction:
1 —2
2 —2NT
3 —?
We are not sure at all if we should go beyond 3NT.
Transfer auction
1 —2
2 —2NT
3 —3
4 —4NT
5 —7
4 shows 6151 or 5161 ( 3 – short, 3 – short in , 3NT minimum (no void)
3 – transfer to diamonds, 5-5+. 3? – convenient suit agreeing.
7 – information about the shape and three aces (out of five) is enough to bid a grand.
If the opener had a less attractive hand, such as the one below:
A Q 6 5 4 Q 8 K 9 4 3 2 J
he would have bid 3NT (over 3).
1 —2
2 — ?
2 –A. spade-agreeing slam bid (15+ HCPs);
2NT – B. waiting, I want to play a no-trump contract from my hand;
3 –C. 6+ clubs, non-forcing;
3 –D. fourth suit, I want you to play a no-trump contract;
3 –E. agreeing hearts, no slam aspirations, following the rule of camouflage;
3 –F. agreeing spades, no slam aspirations, following the rule of camouflage;
The waiting 2NT bid may be made on strong hands with a fit in hearts. It practically precludes a spade fit (2S then). This is important when you enter the slam zone (cue bids will agree hearts).
The fourth-suit 3D is a typical mechanism, which allows you to play a no-trump contract from the better hand.
Sequence .
1 —2
2 —2NT
3 – club fragment, showing 5-4-1-3;
3 – 5-5, transfer bid showing extra length in hearts;
3 – 6-4, transfer bid showing extra length in spades;
3 – diamond fragment, showing 5-4-3-1;
3NT – 5-4-2-2
Showing a diamond fragment in the above sequence was placed high (3?) because 5-4-3-1 shape allows you to agree hearts? only. Transfers to hearts and spades are easily shown, then a 3? continuation shows the club fragment economically, this time in a natural way.
Sequence 1
1 —2
2 —2NT
3 – diamond fragment, 5-4-3-1 shape;
3 – transfer, 5-5 shape with spades and hearts;
3 – transfer, 6 spades and 4 hearts;
3 – club fragment, 5-4-1-3 shape;
3NT – 5-4-2-2.
A club fragment in the above sequence is not too encouraging. That is the reason why it is placed on top.
Sequence 2
The advantage of the transfer scheme can be easily noticed with spades and hearts, let’s see:
1 —2
2 —2NT
3 — ?
3 –diamond slam?
3 –heart slam?
3 –doubts regarding the choice of the game (we could have bid spades earlier – 2).