Plan, Count, Plan by Phillip Alder (ENG)

During the 4th World Youth Open Bridge Championships, Opatija 2015 Mr. Phillip Alder (ENG) explained this example.

Lyon 2017: Self-Guided Youth Entertainment Tour

Source:  Image by Frédéric de Villamil on Flickr under Creative Commons License. You can follow this self-guided walking tour to explore the attractions listed below. How...

Bols Bridge Tips: When, as a Defender… by Rixi Markus (ENG)

" When, as a defender, you are about to attack from a holding such as J-x, Q-x or K-x, consider the possible advantage of...
2016 Australian Youth Team

Bols Bridge Tips: Give Declarer Enough Rope, By Tim Seres (AUS)

BOLS BRIDGE TIP– Give Declarer Enough Rope By Tim Seres. (Thomas Peter Seres) "When you can see that declarer is bound to succeed by normal...

Bols Bridge Tips: The Secret is in the Timing by Pedro Paulo Assumpçao (BRZ)

In most deals the declarer soon identifies the plays he must make for the contract, such as establishing a suit, knocking out an entry,...

Bols Bridge Tips: Hold Up the Ace of Trumps”, by Giorgio Belladonna (ITA)

“Whenever you, as a defender, include the Ace of trump among your assets, you should consider whether to hold up this card when trumps...

Bols Bridge Tips: Be Bold When You Are Defending by Per-Olov Sundelin (SWE)

” Be bold when you are defending. If you can’t see yourself defeating the contract by winning the trick, DUCK IT even at the...

Bols Bridge Tips: The Power of the Closed Hand by Tony Forrester (ENG)

"Make use of the power of the closed hand. It is declarer’s biggest edge. Try to lead from dummy as often as possible, even...

Bols Bridge Tips: If you Take Up Boxing you Must Expect a Few Bloody...

"If you are to amount to anything at this game, you must build up a picture of the unseen hands." Robert Hamman is a name...

Bols Bridge Tips: I Love Finesses by Gabriel Chagas (BRZ) Part 1

” When You have to develop a shaky suit, consider whether you can prepare for an intra-finesse by ducking with an 8 or 9...