In today’s competitive bidding environment, overcalls are made far more frequently. Without long discussion, it is difficult to know what to bid when opponents overcall 1NT – and what partner will understand by whatever action you take.
Lebensohl is a convention used to enable a better indication of the strength of the responder. Bids can be
weak, invitational, or
forcing to game.
Lebensohl Over 1NT Interference
Six Basic Concepts to Memorize
1.Responder’s Doubles & Redoubles over a 2-level bid are penalty-oriented
2.Responder’s Doubles over a 3-level bid are Take-out
3.If Responder bids 2NT, Opener MUST bid 3

4.Responder’s 2-level suit overcalls are to play
5.Responder’s 3-level suit overcalls are forcing
6.If a Responder’s auction includes 2NT, she has stopper.
After a NT Opening and an Opponent’s Overcall at the 2-level
Examples of bids that don’t change
1.After 1NT– DBL* – 2

is Stayman and all transfers apply (
Systems On)
2.After 1NT– DBL* – RDBL shows most of the outstanding points –
3.After 1NT– 2

artificial) – DBL is Stayman; all transfers apply (
Systems On)
4.After 1NT – 2X (including 2
natural) – Double – is penalty-oriented
5.After 1NT – 2



– 3



(Q-bid) – Stayman for both majors or the other Major. This shows no stopper in the overcalled suit
6.After 1NT – 2X – 4

– is Gerber (asks for Aces)
7.After 1NT – 2X – 4

or 4

are Texas Transfer bids
8.After 1NT – 3X – Double is
negative – a 3-suit take-out
9.After 1NT – 3X – 3NT is to play and shows at least Qxx as a stopper
*typically, a strong, balanced hand
Note the difference in the 3 responding doubles
Examples of bids that don’t change much
1.After 1NT – 2X – 3NT – shows values for 3NT,
but no stopper in X
2.After 1NT – 2

– 3

– is a Stayman and
denies a stopper in X
Examples of New Responses
- 2NT is artificial and forcing to 3
, after which…
A Pass shows clubs and a weak hand

shows diamonds and a weak hand
A Q-bid is (sometimes) a transfer to the next-higher suit, and shows a stopper


are invitational bids with 5+ cards in the bid suit
3NT shows sufficient values & a stopper in the overcalled suit
(“Slow” Shows)
2. 3NT shows sufficient values, but no stopper in the overcalled suit, and no 5-card Major
( “Fast” Denies)
After a NT Opening and an Opponent’s 2
Overcall at the 2-level
After 1NT– 2

(natural) – this is the easy one!
With 0-7 points, 2

or 2

is to play (weak)
With 0-11 points and/or a suit, 2NT is bid forcing a relay to 3

This is either passed, raised, or corrected to another suit.
if 4

it is invitational (7+ to 9-) with a good, 6-card suit
if 3

, it is a transfer to 3

, with a diamond stopper
if 3

or 3

, it is shows 5+ and is invitational (7+ to 9-)
if 3NT is bid, it shows game values
and a stopper
With 9+ points, and no stopper all four suits are bid at the 3 level, giving partner a chance to bid 3NT or game in the suggested suit

shows both Majors, 9+ and is Stayman, without a diamond stopper
Note that with clubs, it is possible to stop in 4
With values for game, just bid it (remember Texas Transfers).
A bid of 4

is Leaping Michaels, showing 5-5 in the Majors
Note That 2NT MUST be used in all invitational and forcing hands with a stopper!
After a NT Opening and an Opponent’s 2
Overcall at the 2-level
After 1NT– 2
With 0-7 points, 2

is to play (weak)
With 0-11 points and a suit 2NT is bid forcing a relay to 3

This 3

bid is either passed or corrected to another suit.
if 3

, it shows 5+ and is weak (to play)
if 3

, it is a transfer, with 5+ spades, a

stopper and (7+ to 9-)
if 3

, it is shows 5+ spades, no stopper, and is invitational (7+ to 9-)
if 3NT is bid, it shows game values
and a heart stopper
With 9+ points and no stopper, all four suits are bid directly at the 3 level, giving partner a chance to bid 3NT or game in the suggested suit
Note that with diamonds, it is possible to stop in 4

A Q-bid of 3

is Stayman and
denies a heart stopper
With values for game just bid it (remember Texas Transfers).
Note That 2NT MUST be used in all invitational and forcing hands with a stopper!
After a NT Opening and an Opponent’s 2
Overcall at the 2-level
After 1NT– 2
With 0-7 points and hearts, pass and hope partner reopens
With 0-11 points and a suit, 2NT is bid forcing a relay to 3

The 3

response is either passed or corrected to another suit.
if 3

, it shows 5+ and is weak (to play)
if 3

, it is shows 5+ and is invitational (7+ to 9-)
if 3NT is bid, it shows game values
and a spade stopper
With 9+ points (and no stopper), all four suits are bid directly at the 3 level, giving partner a chance to bid 3NT or game in the suggested suit
Note that with diamonds, it is possible to stop in 4

Note: A Q-bid of 3

is a Western Q-bid and asks partner to bid 3NT with


Qx or better (and guarantees

Jxx, or

With values for game just bid it (remember Texas Transfers).
Note That 2NT MUST be used in all invitational and forcing hands with a stopper!
Review of Bids After You Open 1NT
Weak Sequences – should be passed




(nat)-2Y – Pass –




(nat)-2NT-Pass – 3

– Pass -3

Intermediate Sequences – may be passed

(art)-DBL is Stayman – (Any 2-level suit bid is a transfer)

(nat) – Double (Penalty)



(nat) -2NT-Pass – 3

– Pass – 3


4.2NT (minors) – DBL (“I can double one of overcaller’s suits”) – 3x –




– DBL (takeout) – Pass –
Strong Sequences – Anything Else