Marty Bergen
A. They have no upper limit in strength. The same is also true for all other doubles!
B. The only Negative Dude that promises both unbid suits is 1 – (1) – Dbl.
C. Unbid suits promised at the two level:
If 2 unbid majors, double shows 1 or 2 majors.
If 1 unbid major, double shows that major.
If no unbid majors, double shows 1 or 2 minors.
D. They don’t promise shortness in the opponent’s suit but four cards is rare.
E. A Negative Double followed by a new suit at the two or three level is weak.
Opener Rebids after Responder’s Double
1. All jumps are invitationals.
2. The only forcing bid is a cue-bid. This bid is forcing to game. but says nothing else about opener’s hand.
3. Opener may be stuck, and be forced to:
rebid a 5-card suit: OR
bid a new suit with 3 cards; OR
bid 1NT with no stopper in opponents suit.
4. A double jump to 3NT promises a strong unbalanced hand with a long suit.
5. Should opener pass partner’s double?
At 1 or 2 level – rarely. Only with both length (4+ cards) and strength in the opponents suit.
At 3 level – sometimes. Opener will usually have four cards in the opponents suit.