Of all the mainstream treatments in use for entering the bidding over an opponent’s 1NT, Multi Landy is the newest. I see it, at least potentially, as the best yet. The “potentially” proviso here means that like so many conventional treatments, unless you think it right through, it is likely to bite you. This article intended to assist with that thinking process. At the very least, it will open your eyes to the fact that you cannot simply say “Let’s play Multi Landy” and expect good results.
Fundamental to this espoused treatment are these propositions. Pauline Gumby, George Cuppaidge, Robert Krochmalik, Paul Lavings
It is inadvisable to compete over a 1NT bid if you are balanced. If you simply defend, both sides will be playing in NT and you have the advantage of the opening lead. You are a tempo ahead.
It follows that you should not enter the bidding unless you hold 6+cards in a suit or a two-suiter.
Finding major-suit fits, especially 4-4 major-suit fits, at the two-level, is the key to successful competitive bidding. Your methods must permit you to find these whenever they exist with a good degree of certainty.
You must weigh up the likelihood of obtaining a good result by making a blunderbuss penalty double of 1NT, or using double, instead, to have some specific shape meaning. When the 1NT opening bid is strong, not only are you likely to be guessing what to lead, but, you cannot possibly know who has the few missing points. You allow your opponents additional options, to get out into two of a minor when weak. They are likely to have other evasive and constructive actions as well. You hand over the initiative to your opponents in a significant proportion of the auctions when your double is meaningless. A simple suit take-out by the 1NT opener’s partner will always be playable. You have no information about how to handle your own bidding agenda. Lucrative penalty options occur more frequently opposite the now rarely played weak NT, but the same arguments apply. At low levels it is generally more rewarding, to attend to bidding your own cards, than to go baying for blood. Giving double some specific shape meaning is suggested as the best approach in the long term.
Holding, as you often will, six or more cards, solid, in any suit, predicates against bidding at all. If you stoically pass, you will often find yourself on lead against 3NT. Even then, pass is likely to be the superior option. A plus score when the opponents hold the significant balance of power is usually a good score.
This treatment must be fully understood to be of value. This is not an easy task. A simper alternative, to play double as promising both majors, is likely to be more effective in the long term than the blunderbuss penalty double. And it is more likely to be effective than using this treatment without serious partnership discussion. Some versions of Multi Landy use double as penalty in all cases. Good luck to their users.
Here is Multi Landy Pro.
The treatment is designed to keep the bidding below 2NT lacking big shape or a good fit, to show the following hand types and to distinguish between them;
· 6+card single-suiters
· 4-5+major two-suiters
· 4-5+card major-minor two-suiters
· 5+4 card major-minor two-suiters
· 5+5+cards, all two-suiters
We will usually find a 4-4 major fit at the two-level but will sometimes stop in a playable two-of-a-minor contract along the way. With the limited bidding space available we cannot achieve perfection, but this treatment goes closer to it than many, if not all, of the others.
This is the meaning of each of the actions, over 1NT.
· Double 4-5+ major-minor two-suiter.
· 2 4-5+ either way, majors.
· 2 Single-suiter, 6+cards in any suit, no other suit.
· 2/ 5+cards in the suit bid, 4 cards in a minor.
· 2NT 5+5+cards in diamonds and a major or both majors.
· 35+cards in clubs and another suit.
· 3// Destructive, natural.
To each of these bids there is a game-forcing /slam-try response. While this will rarely be needed following a strong NT, it often will against players using a micro-NT. The bid used is the cheapest bid or 2NT depending upon the context.
This entire treatment can be used, without modification, when partner’s 1 is overcalled with 1NT. It will be particularly effective when 1 is used as the opening bid for all dead balanced hands.
Continuations after each of these actions.
Over double, 4-5+ in a major-minor two-suiter, some hands are bid from the top down and some from the bottom up. Certain shapes opposite certain shapes are unbiddable. We start hands in this, tiny, group from the bottom up, encouraging the opponents to get involved. These methods keep the size of this group to a minimum. With 2+cards in each minor, 2or 2will always be a playable spot.
Hands with four or more cards in each major are the easiest to bid. Advancer bids 2, correctable to 2.
With no tolerance for one minor, 0 or 1 card in it, and 4+3 either way in the majors, advancer should pre-empt a likely problem, treat his holding as 4-4 and bid 2, pass or correct to 2.
Hands with 4+ cards in one major and 3+cards in each minor are easily bid, an 8+card fit is certain. Advancer bids his major, correctable. When the suit bid is hearts, doubler passes with 4 hearts and bids 2 without. When advancer now bids 3, he shows this hand. Doubler passes when his minor is clubs, or corrects to 3. When advancer bids 2, doubler corrects to his minor when his major is hearts.
All other shapes are bid from the bottom up. With 2+clubs, advancer bids 2, 2 without. Doubler passes 2 or corrects to 2. If advancer removes to a major, since has denied holding both majors, he should not be disturbed. He is likely to hold 6+cards in the suit.
Game-going hands.
When advancer is strong enough, 12+ points, to be able to insist on game, it is important to be able to establish which suits doubler holds. The advance of 2NT is used for this purpose.
Here is a simple scheme of replies.
3 Hearts and clubs.
3 Spades and clubs.
3 Hearts and diamonds.
3 Spades and diamonds.
East doubles 1NT showing 4 cards in a major and 5+cards in a minor.
These are the West-East continuations.
1. Correctable. An 8-card or better fit in a minor is assured, so West can check out a possible spade fit first. We are unlikely to be allowed to play in two of a minor. Give West, say, a 4324 shape, an 8+card minor fit is not assured. West must bid from the bottom up with a correctable 2. If doubler now bids 2, a playable spot, advancer must pass. To bid 2 or 2 now shows a long suit.
1. Correctable. West cannot bid 2 here, it is not for play, it is correctable.
2. Long hearts, not correctable
1. Game force
2. Spades and diamonds.
1. An immediate 2 is correctable.
2. With a doubleton diamond, pass is an option.
3. East has no more to add.
Over 2, 5+4 majors, either way, advancer bids his longer major, or bids 2 asking the 2 bidder to bid his longer major. The strong reply is 2NT. The 3 now shows long hearts and 3 shows long spades. With 5+5+ majors, the system over call is 2NT, see below.
East bids 2 over 1NT.
1. Enquiry.
2. 4-5+ majors
3. Yes, the penalty double may have worked better, but the opponents may have been able to find 2. In the play declarer in 3NT will be able to place opener with all the missing honours.
Over 2, single-suiter in any suit, advancer bids 2, correctable or makes a higher bid, wishing to play game in any of the suits bypassed. The bid of 3, for example, indicates a desire to play game in either major. It is easy for the 2 bidder, he shows his suit over whatever advancer bids or passes when advancer bids his suit. The strong response is 2NT.
East bids 2 over 1NT.1. Correctable
Holding a weaker hand with the same shape, West bids 2, correctable Over 2 or 2, 5+4 in the suit bid and a minor, advancer bids 2NT, gameforce, to which doubler responds in his minor. 3 is correctable, other bids natural, non-forcing.
East overcalls 2S.1. Correctable, West is not strong enough to make a game-forcing 2NT enquiry.
Over 2NT, 5+5+ diamonds and a major or both majors, West bids 3 gameforcing enquiry, or makes any other bid, correctable. Over 3, East bids 3 to show both majors, 3 or 3 shows that suit and diamonds.
East overcalls 2NT.1. Not strong enough to make the strong enquiry, 3, so West makes the correctable bid of 3. With his major holdings reversed, West might consider a correctable 3. If partner corrects to 4, he will know he is facing a red two-suiter and correct again, to 4.
2. Spades and diamonds.
Over 3, 5+5+ in clubs and a higher ranking suit.
The strong response is 3. Other bids are correctable.
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