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6th World Youth Open Championships. IN BOCCA AL LUPO A TUTTI I NOSTRI RAGAZZI. (Luck to all our youth players)
Sevinç Atay
Croatian Prime Minister Opatija inaugurated the World Junior Championships, and experimented with the president of the World Bridge Federation at a table on how to play bridge.Benoît Devèze
Les vice-champions du monde BBO avec l’organisateur Gilad Ofir (Vice World Champions 2nd WBF Youth Online Championship with organizer Gilad Ofir)
Dimitris Papaspyrou
From the inaugural ceremony of the6th World Youth Open Championships, Michalis and Jason salute Greece (the rest of the mission’s children are probably on their way to Opatija)Gilad Ofir
Polina Smirnova with Maria Vinogradova in the CASINO ADMIRAL OPATIJA.
Katerina Touska
Room view, Opatija Croatia

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