Over My Shoulder Bridge (15 & 16 April)
The real-time self-commentary series has two more events planned for this week.
Date Day Time Players
 Wed  15 April 8:00 pm The Netherlands 7:00 pm UK 2:00 pm New York 11:00 am California Tim Verbeek & partner Vs Kit Woolsey & Sally Woolsey Commentators are Tim (Dutch), Kit (English)
 Thu  16 April 9:30 pm Spain 8:30 pm UK 4:30 pm Argentina 3:30 pm New York Agustin Madala & Carlos Pellegrini Vs Adam Grossack & Zach Grossack Commentators are Zach (English), Agustin (Spanish)
To be there, in the Zoom room (a teleconference), and enjoy the single-dummy experience, talk with the players, and hear their analysis on their own play, please email:  invite@hartsdale.co.uk  and put the date and the language you’d like to hear. Eg “16 April Spanish” You will get an email 1 hour before it starts, letting you know how to join the Zoom room.
To watch any of the 12 videos of previous events, visit https://bit.ly/over-my-shoulder-bridge Here you will see recordings in English, Dutch, Hebrew, Norwegian.

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