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Thursday, March 13, 2025
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Tag: Beverly Kraft

Another Take on Second Hand Rose by Beverly Kraft – Eric...

When we start to learn the game of bridge we are introduced to many different snippets of wisdom, general guidelines often presented as catchy...

Signals Useful but are No Substitute for Thinking by Beverly Kraft...

Try today's deal as a defensive problem.  You are East, defending against 4after: Dealer West E/W Vul West North East South 1 1 Pass 1 2 2 3 3 Pass 4 End   West leads the Q and dummy produces quite a good...

Complacecy Killed This Cat by Beverly Kraft – Eric Kokish

We've all seen it happen, perhaps to ourselves. A player doubles a contract because he expects to take a number of trump tricks but...

Can You Defeat Three 3NT? by Beverly Kraft – Eric Kokish

On today's deal, from the semifinals of the 1999 Canadian Teams Championships, all four North-South pairs reached 3NT, but the contract was made only...

All Present and Accounted for by Beverly Kraft – Eric Kokish

North-South, after agreeing on hearts, use a series of control-showing cue bids to reach 6. You, West, lead the 6, four, king, ace. South plays...

Third Hand Play on Partner’s Queen Lead by Beverly Kraft Eric...

Against a notrump contract, the lead of the queen is from: Q J 10, Q J 9, A Q J with or without extended...

What Message Should You Send? by Beverly Kraft & Eric Kokish

After a simple auction - 1NT-Pass; 3NT-End, your partner leads the 6. Which card should you play with each of the following holdings, and...

Two Questions of Duty by Beverly Kraft & Eric Kokish

"When You open the bidding at the three-level you hope to make life more difficult for your opponents than your partner, who is often...

Timing is Everything by Beverly Kraft & Eric Kokish

Whether you are playing the stock market or the game of bridge, timing is everything. Cover the East-West hands and play 4on the lead...