Tuesday, July 16, 2024
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Tag: Bidding problem

A Real Test by Terence Reese & Nikos Sarantakos

Source: http://www.sarantakos.com/ IMPs, as South neither vulnerable, in first seat, you hold: A K Q 10 8 5 4   10 3  2  A K 2 West North East South 2* 3 4 6 ? **Game Forcing Now what? Pass? Double? 6? Pass? That...

Play Too Fast Series – In the Bidding By Mike Lawrence

Source: Play Too Fast Series – In the Bidding By Mike Lawrence This article on bidding represents a small change from the normal items that...

Bid and Play a Deal with Me By Frank Stewart

Source: April 2016 ACBL Bridge Bulletin    In this article, we will bid and play a deal, and you listen in on my thoughts. You won’t agree...

Keep bidding your long suit or support partner’s long suit?

Source: https://skybridgeclub.com/