Wednesday, January 22, 2025
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Tag: bidding strategies

Breakin’ the Rules: Penalty Doubles by Joshua Donn

“Advanced players know the rules. Experts know when to break the rules.” – Anonymous Penalty doubles are one aspect of bridge where a creative player...

Breaking The Rules by Peter Hollands

Peter Hollands is a very talented young bridge player who was a grand master at 23 and has represented Australia and Victoria in open...

Are Emotions Clouding My Judgement by Peter Hollands

Peter Hollands is a very talented young bridge player who was a grand master at 23 and has represented Australia and Victoria in open...

Working Out The Shape by Peter Hollands

Peter Hollands is a very talented young bridge player who was a grand master at 23 and has represented Australia and Victoria in open...

Count Your Tricks Not Your Points


Cuebidding Slams in Contract Bridge


Controversial Decisions by Peter Hollands

Peter Hollands is a very talented young bridge player who was a grand master at 23 and has represented Australia and Victoria in open...

Pass or Double? by Andrew Robson

Source: Our featured deal was the clincher for myself and partner Alexander Allfrey (sitting East-West) in the European Open Pairs. Clincher in the sense that...

Muiderberg Convention

Source: Wikipedia Muiderberg is a bidding convention in the card game bridge. It is a two-level preemptive opening based on a two-suiter with precisely a five-card major and a minor...

Game Try

Source: Wikipedia A game try (also called a game trial bid) in the card game of bridge is a bid that shows interest in bidding a game and asks partner to help...