Sunday, January 26, 2025
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Tag: count

Counting By Larry Cohen

Source:  This topic separates the amateurs from the experts. There is no shortcut. It takes lots of concentration and experience. This article is intended only as a very...

Bridge the Right Way II by Migry Zur Campanille

Source: BRIDGE THE RIGHT WAY HERE COMES THE SUN Here we are: we learnt the basics of bidding, we added some useful conventions to our repertoire we...

Andrew Kambites shows how counting improves your bridge

Do you ever bid quite reasonably to a contract that turns out to be totally revolting?. In the first hand you arrive in 3NT...

Counting Distribution

Source: In this article, I will discuss techniques for determining the entire distribution of all 4 hands. This often lets you play as if you...

Need Some Advice: Counting

Source: by James Vogl March 15, 2016 Dear Bridgewinners, After playing for close to ten years I am still hopeless at counting the hand (shape mainly but also points). I...

Our counting skills

Source: Learning Points by Steve Moese and Mike Purcell for We’ve talked about Planning the Play where you count HCP and Tricks (winners & losers) in the...

The “Tricky” Part of Counting By Michael Connelly

Source: One of my favorite bridge students, Daisy (name changed to protect the guilty), habitually makes the bridge mistakes that are common to many neophytes....

Giving Up Losers to Get a Count by Louis Watson

The deal which follows illustrates getting a count at the very end of a hand. The declarer has to give up his losers before...

The Importance of Counting by Albert Dormer

It is quite surprising how many deals there are where, as a defender, you should endeavor to count declarer’s hand. Source:  Daily Bulletin; 24th BERMUDA BOWL....

Counting the defensive tricks By James Jacoby

Successful defense requires fast thinking. In particular a defender must use the bidding to picture the strength of declarer's hand. This information, plus that...