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Tag: Defensive Strategy

Lead Aggressively Against a Confidently Bid Contract by Andrew Robson

Source: Andrew Robson Bridge We have spent some deals looking at the huge significance of the auction to your choice of lead. What partner bid;...

Assumptions are Essential by Jay Becker

Source: Kingman Daily Miner – 4 May 1982 By Jay Becker Dealer North. Both VUL Q 10 8 3 A J 2 K Q A Q J 10 K 9 4 K 8 6...

Best Slam Defense is Attack by Benito Garozzo (ITA)

Source: Best slam defense is attack By Charles H. Goren and Omar Sharif  February 3, 1977 THE CREDENTIALS of Benito Garozzo are impeccable. From the...

Expert defense By Lew Stansby

Source: Expert defense involves collecting clues about the hand from the bidding and early play and putting all the information into place to solve the...

A Wise Time to Fool your Partner By Charles Goren

Source:  February 15, 1965 All bidding systems, no matter how complicated are subject to the same code of ethics. They must be a matter of...

Signals Useful but are No Substitute for Thinking by Beverly Kraft...

Try today's deal as a defensive problem.  You are East, defending against 4after: Dealer West E/W Vul West North East South 1 1 Pass 1 2 2 3 3 Pass 4 End   West leads the Q and dummy produces quite a good...

No Escape from Surround Play

Source: In a hand from a past World Bridge Championship, we look at a textbook defensive situation with which few club players are familiar. Dealer West,...

Telefhone Wire by Terence Reese and Eddie Kantar

Source ” Defend with your Life” Dealer South all Vul 10 K Q 3 J 10 9 7 10 9 7 4 2 K 6 5 4 3 A J 7 A 6...

Defensive Player Should Attempt to Visualize What Partner Holds

Source: Spokane Daily Chronicle – 20 Mar 1930 The great mistake the average player makes on defensive play is not trying to visualize what is in his partner’s...

Common Defensive Theme by Justin Lall

Source: Justin Lall Playing matchpoints you pick up  A Q 9 2 A T 6 3 J 5 2 8 7. Starting on your right it goes (1)...