Tuesday, July 16, 2024
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Tag: Giorgio Belladonna

The Twilight Zone by Enzo La Novara (ITA)

"There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as...

The Belladonna Coup and the Mysteries of a Genial Play by...

No trump, no cry. How to get away with competition In May 1995 the world of bridge lost one of its most distinguished exponents, Giorgio...

Belladonna’s Hidden Card by Allan Truscott

Source: Chicago Tribune Dec 13, 1971. THE OLD World champions of bridge, appropriately from Italy and representing the Old World, declaively defeated the New World Chaimpions...

The True Story of the King of Club by Eddie Kantar

Source: http://www.clairebridge.com/ The world championship in Bermuda two weeks ago was my second. I had played in Rio de Janeiro in 1969, when we finished third,...

Bols Bridge Tips: Hold Up the Ace of Trumps”, by Giorgio...

“Whenever you, as a defender, include the Ace of trump among your assets, you should consider whether to hold up this card when trumps...