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Tag: Terence Reese

Guessing and Finessing by Terence Reese

These experts are so lucky, they always seen to guess right, said the old lady attending her first bridge tournament. And what she said...

What Do you Lead? Compare with the Masters by Fernando Lema

Monday, January 11, 2016 59 years ago, in January 1957 the The British Bridge World magazine edited by Terence Reese, published: “This is the hand on...

Matters of Entry by Terence Reese

On many hands declarer can count sufficient tricks for his contract but his difficulty lies in being at the right place at the right...

Exchanging One Trick for Another by Terence Reese

Declarer can sometines keep a dangerous defender out of the lead by giving up a trick in one suit in exchange for a trick...

Attacking the Danger Hand by Terence Reese

On many no trump hands declarer has to force out two defensive winners before he can run his tricks. It may be essential to...

Tactical Moves in Play by Terence Reese

On many hands declarer can count sufficient tricks for his contract but his difficulty lies in being at the right place at the right...

Entries Managment by Terence Reese & Rogel Trezel

Source: ” Those Extra Chances in Bridge” Many contracts depend on a particular card being in the hand of the righ opponent. Even so, it...

Blocking and Unblocking by Terence Reese & Roger Trézel

Source: Blocking and Unblocking by Terence Reese & Roger Trézel "Never play a card automatically. Always look ahead and consider what is likely to happen....

Forming a Plan by Terence Reese

In a no trump contract the delcarer’s first concern is usually whether or not to hold up in the suit led; his second, which...

There are Two Sides to Every Question by Terence Reese

Source: CAC 1976 Bulletin  April 1976 There are two sides to every question, it is said, and certainly there are two sides to the Bols...