Source: Las Vegas Bulletins
A 7 2 4 3 A 8 5 4 A 7 6 5
K Q 6 4 A 2 K J 2 K J 3 2
1NT–3NT gets you the opening lead of the 6, East playing the J.
Eddie Kantar
Eddie Kantar
Plan the play. You have eight top tricks and dare not let them in before you get nine. Win the A and test spades, a suit that allows you to stay alive if it doesn’t break 3–3. If it doesn’t, you still have eight tricks. You are now reduced to either the club finesse or the diamond finesse. In other words you have three chances. You have already taken one, what should your second chance be? When missing a queen in two suits, a finesse possible in either suit, cash the ace-king of the longer suit (clubs) and if the queen doesn’t drop, take a finesse in the shorter suit (diamonds). This is a recording. The full deal:
A 7 2 4 3 A 8 5 4 A 7 6 5
10 8 K 10 8 6 5 10 7 6 Q 10 9 J 9 5 3 Q J 9 7 Q 9 3 8 4
K Q 6 4 A 2 K J 2 K J 3 2

Don’t forget – you can still enter for the 6th World Youth Open Bridge Championships being held in Croatia from 20 – 29 August.

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