August 30th 2017

USBF is pleased to announce that the Michael Seamon 2017 Junior United States Bridge Championships (JUSBC) will be held December 27–31, 2017, at the Hyatt Regency in Atlanta. Players will compete in four categories:
- Open U16 (born in 2003 or later)
- Open U21 (born 1998 or later)
- Open U26 (born 1993 or later)
- Women U26 (Rona Cup; born 1993 or later).
At least one team in each category will qualify to represent the USA at the World Youth Teams Bridge Championships in China in the summer of 2018. (Sending an U16 team is dependent upon securing enough chaperones willing to travel at their own expense.)
Teams may enter with four, five or six players; winning teams with fewer than six players will be augmented so that six-person teams represent the USA in China. Depending on the number of teams entered in each category, an online (BBO) qualifier may be required on one or two weekends in September. Further details and entry forms will be available this summer.
The schedule of play in Atlanta will depend on the number of teams competing and will likely be different for the four categories. In all cases we plan for participants to play at least two days before anyone is eliminated. All matches at the JUSBC will be played with screens.
Although the USBF has no designated funds for the JUSBC, the organizers hope to raise enough money privately to cover most of the expenses (airfare, lodging) for those who play in Atlanta.
Contact Joe Stokes at if you’re interested in helping support the Junior USBCs in Atlanta.