Title: www.bridge-training.com: a game changer for Bridge development
A new resource, already adopted by numerous Federations and teachers, has the potential to liberalize and enhance the development and learning of Bridge. The website www.bridge-training.com was created as a personal project by Jean-Pierre Desmoulins from France, an AI project engineer who also serves on the Executive Board of his Federation, responsible for development, and is a Bridge teacher and author.
The platform allows everyone, especially Bridge teachers, to make their deals playable with just a few clicks, free of charge and without registration. The initial version is available in English and French, but will soon be expanded to include other languages and additional features.
How it works in 3 steps
Enter or upload a prepared deal (PBN or DUP file).
Set your educational parameters (with or without bidding, minibridge or bridge, student’s position, predetermined cardplay at the beginning, comments, objectives, etc.).
Generate a link that you can send to your students, allowing them to play the deal as instructed, against four robots, on any device (smartphone, tablet, or laptop).
Some new opportunities offered by this tool
For a Federation: Create a webpage containing links to playable educational boards for their teachers. Sharing these links enables newcomers to practice and enjoy Bridge between sessions, accelerating their integration into club tournaments.
For a Federation or a club: Create a paper flyer with a QR code linked to a simple board without bidding, to entice non-Bridge players to try the game (see example in Resources section).
For a Federation, a club, or a teacher: Publish digital ads featuring a link that allows people to try Bridge immediately.
For Bridge authors, journalists, or YouTubers: Include QR codes or links in their articles or video comments, directing readers to playable boards.
Interested? Here’s what you can do!Jean Pierre Desmoulins
– This project has been managed with limited resources, aiming to remain free for all users. If you have skills in JavaScript (particularly) or PHP, and are willing to volunteer your time to help accelerate this project’s development, please contact Jean-Pierre at contact (at) bridge-training.com.
– Share this project with your Federation, your Club and your Bridge teacher friends!
– Become an active member of our community on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092414937746Resources
– Presentation Video (automatically translated from French by AI) for the conference organized in early October by Realbridge and BAMSA:https://youtu.be/8COotm_15Zg?si=-zPUYPyfgXXfK2Ne
– Example of a deal generated from a file: https://bridge-training.com/player/?dds=NTEGfg7Y&lang=en
– Example of flyer using a QR-code to a discovery deal: https://1drv.ms/p/s!Ai3m6bTsv1R1kuZIuriIBl7iD9s7SA?e=wGYBA4