5th FunBridge World Youth Open Championships

Lyon, France • 15 – 24 August 2017

Results Live Streaming  WBFY Facebook Bulletins  News 
August 25th Today France is playing the BB final against USA2. Today is the final’s second day, so they are playing round 4-5 & 6. In one of the tables Rombaut-Combescure are playing against Martel & Fleisher.
On 2013 July 2013, Rombaut was participating in the 24th EUROPEAN BRIDGE YOUTH TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS • Wrocław, Poland (11–20 July 2013) as the France Girls Team Captain and he wrote this article for the Bulletin 9. France Won the Girls Championship:  Jessie Carbonneaux, Anais Leleu, Jenifer Mourgues, Anne Rouanet-Labe, Anne-Laure Tartarin, Aurelie Thizy, and npc Jerome Rombaut.
2013 French Girls Team

Are You Sure? by Jérôme Rombaut

In the tenth round, against Sweden, Board 4, one of my players was playing 4Spade Suit. Everyone in the Girls championship made 11 tricks and even one made 12 tricks. Unfortunately she goes down. A few minutes later the director (asked by me, the captain) came to the table and asked her:
“May I see what you play on Board 4? Answer: “4Spade Suit –1.”
The director left the table and came back again later on to ask her:
“You sure you go down”? “Yessssssssssssssssss! And I will never do it again!”
My player confessed to me that at this time she would like to build an igloo and to stay alone inside!
I promised to my player not to say her name, so no problem, Anne, when I promised, I promised!
I’m not sure that it’s needed to relate the board but here it is anyway:   Round G10. Board 4. Dealer West. All Vul.
The ten of hearts was led to the ace and two rounds of trumps were drawn. Next came king of hearts and a heart ruff, and the king of clubs was led to South’s ace. Now a heart was led, ruffed by North, who exited with the queen of clubs and declarer had to lead away from the king of diamonds at the end to lose two tricks in that suit and four in all for one down.