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September 19,  2019 In the WBF Youth site there is a series of articles about the Principle of Restricted Choice (“PRC”) (Click Here to acces them). In one of them Andrew Robson starts his explanation with this words:
Andrew Robson
Andrew Robson

If one opponent plays a critical card in a suit, his partner is twice as likely to have the adjacent card in the same suit. This is because of the Principle of Restricted Choice (“PRC”) – a mathematical theory that was found to have relevance at the bridge table by Terence Reese. He first expounded the theory in his epic book “The Expert Game”, written in 1958 – an inspirational read for any ambitious player…continue reading.

Yesterday in the last Round I was watching USA1-Australia. With a sum of little swings USA1 was leading by 14 IMPs, when board 11 hit on the table.

Board 11 (RR, Round 15)
Meckstroth opened his hand with 1NT, Rodwell’s 2NT was Puppett Stayman. Meckwell stopped at the game level. At the other table, Edgtton opened 1NT and Weinstein interfered with 2Diamond Suit showing Majors). Hung started with a double. East jumped to 3Heart Suit. Edgtton passed, and Weinstein correct to spades, for second time Hung doubled. South reconfirmed a minimum NT opening bid saying 3NT.
Wuhan 2019: Hung
But Hung wasn’t satisfied, and decided to give it a 4Diamond Suit“try bid” to invite to slam, and the couple didn’t stop before 6club suit. Lead: Spade SuitA After winning the first trick, Weinstein continued with the Heart Suit4, declarer played small from dummy, Levin played the queen, and Edgtton won with his king to continue with a small club, and after the drop of the valet by Weinstein played the ace from dummy. Declarer returned playing a club to the nine for one down. Ouch… What do we have to play?

Principle of Restricted Choice (“PRC”) or Murphy’s Law? 

This is what happened with the board in the other Bermuda Bowl matches: Don’t forget to follow us @