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Roughly a third of the field made 5/on the E/W cards on this deal from Set Four of the quarter-finals, so those N/Ss who bought the hand in 4were already ahead of the game. Actually making 4was therefore just the icing on the cake. Board 22 Dealer East E/W Vul
K 10 8 4 10 4 A 3 2 Q J 3 2
A K Q J 8 7 K 8 7 6 K 10 4 Q A 6 5 Q 10 9 5 4 9 7 6 5
J 9 7 6 5 3 2 9 3 2 J A 8
Brian Senior
Brian Senior
In the Open match between China and Poland, Zheng Jun Shi received the lead of the king of hearts from Poland’s Jacek Kalita, who continued with the Q, Michal Nowosadzki overtaking with the ace and switching to the ten of diamonds to the jack, king and ace. Shi ruffed a diamond, ruffed his last heart, then ruffed dummy’s last diamond. Only now was it time to play on trumps, and when Kalita proved to have the bare ace he was endplayed, forced to either give a ruff and discard or lead away from the king of clubs, either of which would give the contract; +420. Four Spades was also the contract at the other table, were Gang Chen also led the king of hearts. However, at trick two he cashed the ace of spades before continuing with the Q. Zejun Zhuang overtook and he too found the wrong minor-suit switch, but it didn’t matter as, with the A out of the way, Chen could sit and wait for declarer to take the club finesse; down one. Altogether, 22 Souths played in 4, with 10 making and 12 going down.

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