Read 2nd WBF Youth Online Championship – U26 Final By Simon Fellus

Luc Bellicaud
Luc Bellicaud
Hello, I’ve got a nice defense to complete your article 🙂.This is a board played in the Qualy Stage, France vs Hungary. Board 10, All Vulnerable Dealer: East
Colin Deheeger - Baptiste Combescure
Colin Deheeger – Baptiste Combescure
Baptiste Combescure led club suitQ, his partner Colin Deheeger took with the king and played the ace, ruffed by declarer. Baptiste unblocked club suitJ. Declarer went to dummy withSpade SuitA to finess Heart SuitQ, but Baptiste took with the ace instead of the queen ! He then exited with a spade. The poor declarer cashed the Heart SuitK, saw the Heart Suit10 and thought he was home when we playedHeart Suitagain, expecting them to be 3-3. He got a bad surprise, Baptiste still had 2 hearts and a club…

Luc Bellicaud

Don’t forget – you can still enter for the 6th World Youth Open Bridge Championships being held in Croatia from 20 – 29 August.

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