Australia: 4th Annual Youth Bridge Fun Night at the Gold Coast Congress
Come to the 4th Annual Youth Bridge Fun Night at the Gold Coast Congress
♣ FREE entry
♣ FREE food
♣ CASH prizes
♣ GREAT youth director (Laura Ginnan)
Date: Wednesday 20 February 2019.
Time: 7pm (food), 7.30pm to 9:30pm (bridge). Note: Congress bridge finishes that day at 6.30pm
Venue: Gold Coast Bridge Club (1.2km, or 15 minutes walk, north of the GC Convention Centre).
Format: Some standard bridge, some “party” bridge
Age Limit: Youth & youth-ish players (up to 35 years) are welcome.
Interested? Please contact Jessica Brake on 0414 134 888 or jessicabrake@hotmail.com
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