Friday, January 24, 2025

1m-1M: Now What? by Steve Weinstein

Source:  When your partner responds 1 of a major to your 1m opening when should raise on 3 card support? The answer depends on the...

Exclusion Roman Keycard Blackwood and other animals

Source:  "Exclusion" is normally defined as a jump to a non-trump suit above the keycard-ask. So, for example, if the auction goes 1--2--2--2--3--5, that would...

1NT-3Club as Puppet Stayman

Source: When partner opens 1NT and you know they could possibly have a 5 card major you can jump to 3as Puppet Stayman so long...

Conventions: Puppet Stayman after a 1NT Opener by Justin Lall

Source: Justin Lall Many people, including myself, play the following basic NT structure when they open 1NT: 2– Stayman 2/2– Transfer 2– Clubs 2N- Diamonds 3– ? 3 – 5-5 minors GF 3 – 31(54) 3 –...

Always Open 1NT/2NT – Even With a Five-Card Major By Marty...

Source: Whenever you have a balance hand and the appropriate point count, open 1NT/2NT. There are absolutely no exceptions. Do not be distracted by a five-card major. Life will...

Competing without a known fit By Robson & Segal

Source: Partnership Bidding at Bridge by Robson & Segal (Full Version) Introduction Up to this point, all your cooperative competing has been on the basis of a...

Useful Space Principle

Source: Wikipedia The Useful Space Principle, or USP, was first articulated in a series of six articles in The Bridge World, from November 1980 through April 1981. (The...

Misfit hands Suggest Bidding at Low level

Toledo Blade – 27 Jun 1971 by Nap Nassr Bridge students are taught that as soon as their bidding sequences give a hint of the possibility of misfit...

Fits and Misfits By Andrew Kambites

Source: MOST PLAYERS understand the desirability of finding a fit. By a fit they mean knowing they have eight cards in the suit, making it suitable to be...

Mistiming by Hugh Kelsey

In ball games the vital factor that makes the difference between success and failure is a sense of timing. This is the secret behind...