Friday, January 24, 2025

The Impossible 2 Spades by Billy Miller

Source: The Coolest Gizmos and Gadgets; January 2010 ACBL Bridge Bulletin What could be more fun than having a cool gizmo or gadget come up at...

Bridge Tips By Dr. Harold Schachter

Source: Over the past several years I have been compiling information and guidelines which, cumulatively, have assisted me in improving my understanding, expertise and enjoyment,...

The Law of Total Tricks By BridgeBum

Source:  In bridge, the Law of Total Tricks (or simply "The Law") is a hand evaluation method for competitive auctions. Technically stated, the total number...

The Law of Total Tricks by Jean-Rene Vernes

Source: The Law of Total Tricks is currently the most widely used guideline in competitive bidding situations. Although only fragmentary statistical evidence in support...

The Law of Total Tricks By Larry Cohen

Source:  The LAW of Total Tricks (LOTT)  is a bidding guideline developed by Jean-Rene Vernes.  It helps you to decide how high to compete, using this approximation: With...

Four Card Fits by Bob Crosby

4 card fits with partner are not made for defending low level partials. The 4th card in partners trump suit is too valuable for...

An Exercise in Concentration and Attention to Detail by Andrew Kambites

Source: NEWS FROM THE BRIDGE ROOM IN POREC, CROATIA Director's report by Andrew Kambites 1NT: Weak (< or = 14) This hand occurred in the championship pairs qualifying...

To sacrifice or not to sacrifice

Source: ROBIN'S BRIDGE BLOG We've all heard expressions such as The five level belongs to the opponents and Only Jesus saves. But we also know that there are times...

Sacrifices Are Encourage By Alan Truscott

Source:  September 1, 1982 Half a century ago the structure of the scoring table was a matter of frequent controversy. The size of penalties and...

The Art of Sacrificing By Bob Crosby

Source: The Bob Crosby Memorial Library D.S.I.P.: Do Something Intelligent Partner Sacrificing is an art rather than just a Bridge skill. Beginning Bridge players sacrifice too much in IMPS...