Thursday, January 23, 2025

Opening with 4 diamonds and 5 clubs By Andrew Gumperz

Source: Opening bids are the foundation on which subsequent bidding is laid. If the foundation is unstable, the rest of the auction may come tumbling...

Hand Evaluation: Zar Points By Zar Petkov

Ever wondered how experts bid “aggressive” games that “somehow,“magically” turn out to be cold? It’s simple: they just use their expert judgment, which advanced...

Five Uncommon Conventions You Should Play By Justin Lall

Source: Five Uncommon Conventions You Should Play (April 5, 2009) Generally I think most players, especially intermediates, play too many conventions. Most of the time they come...

Support Doubles By Joshua Donn

Source:  Bridge Winners  “Advanced players know the rules. Experts know when to break the rules.” - Anonymous Support doubles are one of my favorite conventions. The basic...

Nuances of Minor Suit Openings by Amit Chakrabarti

Source: acblunit391 Bridge Theory for the Practitioners by Amit Chakrabarti Hence, I am writing about our minor suit openings first. Before I write about specific sequences, let...

Problems on Conventions By Alan Truscott

Source: The New York Times N/S Vul. Dealer North. J 10 9 3 A K J 10 8 7 A Q 8 --- K Q 7 4 2 J 9 K Q J...

An unknown Drury trick By Mike Lawrence

Source: June 2016 ACBL Bridge Bulletin   Many players use Drury, an excellent convention. This article will discuss an aspect of Drury...

How Should You Bid a Freak Hand? by Julian Pottage

The official definition of a freak hand varies. Some say any hand with a void or two singletons. Others say a hand with at...

Losing Trick Count – Part 1

Are difficult bidding decisions causing you stress? Would you like a “magic formula” to give you the right answer most of the time? Source: Are...

Planning Ahead in the Auction by David Lusk

Source: Australian Bridge Federation;  April 2001 Gaining advantages in competitive auctions is often geared to considering future problems when the opponents compete or are likely...