Saturday, January 18, 2025

Analyzing Leads & Assigning HCP at Trick One

Source: By Martitha Pottenger Opening leads often tell you a lot about the defenders’ hands. Against a NT Contract: 1) Use rule of 11 in cases...

Declarer Play: The hold-up play By Karen Walker

Source: Karen Walker Site The hold-up play is a strategy that can prevent your opponents from cashing tricks in their long suit. It's usually used when declaring...

1NT with a 5-Card Major? by Jerry Helms

Source: Ask Jerry Hi Jerry, In the April Bridge Bulletin, in the review of Adam Parrish's book, "When To Bid Notrump (And How to Play...

Keep What Partner Can’t by Julian Pottage

Source: Mr Bridge  Having to make a discard can be hard. Throwing the wrong thing may give declarer an extra winner. If you have J-x-x-x and...

Riddle N° 34 with David Bakhshi – England National Team

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Don’t Under-bid Small Hands by David Gold

"Sometimes you pick up a hand that looks small but, as the auction proceeds, it can grow." Source: Mr Bridge Sometimes you pick up a hand that...

Seeing through cards #16 By Oren Lidor

Source: Oren Lidor Blog Dealer West. None Vul. You are playing 4. West lead the AK. When all followed suit, he continued with a 3rd round...

Negative Doubles by Alvin Roth

A negative double replaces the penalty double in many sequences and becomes a takeout for the unbid suits, particularly the unbid major or majors. WHAT...

Solution to Riddle N° 33 by Valerio Giubilo

Source: WBF Youtube Channel Don’t forget to follow us @ WBF Official Youtube Page WBF Facebook Page WBF Instagram WBF Youth Instagram

How to Count Cards By thememorypage

Source: How to Count Cards by thememorypage Playing Cards It takes a bit of work and practice, but you can memorize playing cards. Instead of trying to remember...