Thursday, January 16, 2025

Top of a Sequence


Easy tips on how to cuebid your way to slam contracts

Source: Ginny & Jeff Schuett for Cuebidding without interference is an attempt to get to slam without using Blackwood, or before using Blackwood. Usually the...

Bridge Tips — Playing

Source: Richmond Bridge Association PLAY TIPS 1- When a trump is led on the get go, assume the opening leader does NOT have the queen and play accordingly.   North...

Opener’s Reverse By David Lindop

Source: One standard bidding concept that often leads to confusion is the ‘reverse.’ So let’s see what this term is all about. What Is a Reverse? The most common type...

Opening Leads By The Bridge World

Source: The Bridge World The Opening Lead Much more could be said about declarer play; many volumes have been written on this topic. An introductory bridge...

When Should I lead an Ace against a Slam?

Source: Mr. Bridge  I never know whether to lead an ace against a small slam. While I hate doing so in case the king is on my...

Tips for No Trumps by B. Magee

Source: Mr Bridge The best advice I can give is: keep it simple and concentrate on the following first steps: 1. Count your top tricks 2. Make a...

The “Rule of Ten” By Andrew Robson

Source:          The Ten gets a raw deal in bridge - counting for no points yet worth many a trick. However one...

Andrew Kambites shows how counting improves your bridge

Do you ever bid quite reasonably to a contract that turns out to be totally revolting?. In the first hand you arrive in 3NT...

Counting Distribution

Source: In this article, I will discuss techniques for determining the entire distribution of all 4 hands. This often lets you play as if you...