Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Lyon 2017: Self-Guided Youth Entertainment Tour

Source: http://www.gpsmycity.com/  Image by Frédéric de Villamil on Flickr under Creative Commons License. You can follow this self-guided walking tour to explore the attractions listed below. How...

South American Junior Championships, Medellin 2016: A Right Decision

Medellin, May 29 2016 During the VI South American Transnational Championships, Medellin 2016 we presented a "Hand of the Day", today's hand is explained by...

Zone 7 = Spotlight on Australia’s Youth Teams By Liam Milne

Source:    2017 APBF Championships Seoul, May 28 - June 7 Let's have a look at the two Australian youth teams competing in Seoul. The Australian U25 Juniors ...

9th World University Bridge Championship

Source:  FISU (The International University Sports Federation) has confirmed the position of Bridge in the University World and thus University teams will be able to...

Youth Test Match: Australia vs Indonesia

Source:  Australia and Indonesia have agreed to hold an inaugural Youth test match from 10 – 12 December 2017 in Jakarta, Indonesia. The event is...

Richard Pavlicek Played with USBF Juniors on Monday, July 17

Source: USBF  The United States Bridge Federation junior training program, directed by Michael Rosenberg, provides players under the age of 26 with USBF mentors to...

NABC Toronto 2017: “Aren’t you going to start doubling?”

Source: Daily Bulletins This deal is from Saturday evening’s pair game: East dealt and passed. South passed, too, and West opened an indisputably light 1. North, not content with...

NABC, Toronto 2017: A bridge player doubles down on the game

Source: Daily Bulletins As he was in the final stages of post-production work on the 86-minute documentary film Double Dummy, John McAllister, the film’s creator, took time out...

NABC Toronto 2017: Lots of Young Players are playing

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Defensive Squeeze towards the Declarer in the U26 Italian Championships

Source: BDI ITalia By Giovanni Donati | Apr 18, 2017 |  Knowing the three colored West hand with a sure spade singleton I attacked (in the North position) with...