Beaver County Times – Mar 11, 2007 The best players are capable of wondrous technique. But they can also perpetrate monstrous errors. In a team championship, Charles Goren found himself playing a contract of five spades with a trump suit consisting of K 10 5 4 opposite a void in partner’s hand—he would’ve made it had he been able to handle the trump suit for only two losers.
Jaime Ortiz Patiño
Jaime Ortiz Patiño
In the mid-’50s a British pair bid a grand slam missing the ace of trumps: “They might have made it had not the ace of trumps been off-side,” remarked Boris Schapiro. In the 1966 European Championship Pietro Bernasconi and Jimmy Ortiz Patiño for Switzerland, against Italy, lost the first 13 tricks in a three-no-trump contract doubled and redoubled… In 1971, France played a partnership of Roudinesco-Trezel; they took the wrong view in a 5response to Blackwood and ended in seven no-trump missing all four aces — difficult on any lead. E/W Vul. Dealer North.
  A K 10 7 6 3 K 8 5 3 A K 7  
8 K Q J 8 7 4 3 Q 10 8 6 2   9 2 A 10 9 6 5 2 6 4 Q J 9
  Q J 5 4 A J 9 7 2 10 5 4 3
West North East South
2 4
Pass 4NT Pass 5
Pass 5 End 6
Pass Pass Pass
Openning Lead: Who cares! These pale in comparison with this deal. North’s two spades was strong and South’s jump to four hearts was a splinter bid showing shortness in the bid suit and good spade support. North’s four no-trump was for-ward-going, followed by two red-suit cue-bids, when South cue-bid six hearts as a grand-slam probe, North decided his side had had a misunderstanding and that South held a strong, long heart suit, so he passed! A suit slam without a single trump in either declarer’s hand or dummy is a record that can never be beaten!