Trump Promotion

Trump Promotion:  Occurs when declarer is forced to ruff high in front of a defenders card to prevent an over ruff, and, in the...

Venice: International Bridge Festival 2017

Visit the Official Site Special Entry Fees for Bridge Youth The Festival will be played at the Casinò Palace located in Venice Lido. All the tournaments are...

Loose Lips Sink Ships By Paul Marston

Source: Paul Marston has been one of Australia’s leading bridge identities for close to thirty years. Apart from his ownership of the exceptionally successful Grand...

The Vienna Coup

Source: 16th European Junior Teams Bridge Championship The last time I visited Vienna I inevitably found myself in one of the many cafes that are located in...

Redemption Song by Eric Kokish

Source: 1st European Open Bridge Championships. Bulletin 4 – Wednesday, 18 June 2003 Adversity lurks at every turn. Even an optimist like you knows that...

Counting the defensive tricks By James Jacoby

Successful defense requires fast thinking. In particular a defender must use the bidding to picture the strength of declarer's hand. This information, plus that...

Hand-Counting Gives Declarer The Extra Margin of Safety By Easley Blackwood

Counting the opponents hands to determine their respective distributions gives you a big edge over the declarer who does not bother to count at...

Indian Junior/Sub Junior Championships Photos

Source:  Mumbai, September 2017 Congratulations to the Winners of Inter State National Bridge Championships from MAHARASHTRA (Sunil Machhar, Anil Padhye, Vinay Desai, Raju Tolani, Ajay Khare,...

Loser on Loser Play

Source: Wikipedia Loser on loser play is a type of declarer's play in contract bridge, usually in trump contracts, where the declarer discards a loser card (the one that...

5th European Universities Bridge Championship: Fuengirola 2017

5th European Universities Bridge Championship Fuengirola, Spain  20-24 September Visit the Official Site The organization of the EUC Bridge shall be mainly based on the most recent Technical...