OVER MY SHOULDER: Did you ever wonder what a master is thinking while playing?

Some days ago I posted an article written by a young player from UK Thomas Paske, where he described a new initiative by Shireen...

Cancellation of the 2020 World Bridge Championships

Source: WBF By Anna Gudge In Event update, News On 16th April 2020 It is with regret that the WBF announces that, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the World Youth Bridge...

Riddle N° 34 with David Bakhshi – England National Team

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Bridge Youth upholds the spirit of bridge by adding photos

As Jakub Patreuha and Oskar Tokarczuk wrote, we need to uphold the spirit of bridge by adding photos that are beautiful memories and shape...

Don’t Under-bid Small Hands by David Gold

"Sometimes you pick up a hand that looks small but, as the auction proceeds, it can grow." Source: Mr Bridge Sometimes you pick up a hand that...
Israel vs France. Wujiang 2018

Seeing through cards #16 By Oren Lidor

Source: Oren Lidor Blog Dealer West. None Vul. You are playing 4. West lead the AK. When all followed suit, he continued with a 3rd round...

Over My Shoulder Bridge: Wed 15 and Thu 16 April

Over My Shoulder Bridge (15 & 16 April) The real-time self-commentary series has two more events planned for this week. Date Day Time Players  Wed  15 April 8:00 pm The Netherlands 7:00 pm...

The Thrump Double By Marty Bergen

Instead of describing the thrump double, the decision was made to quote the author. The following description is by Mr. Marty Bergen, (website), who...

Negative Doubles by Alvin Roth

A negative double replaces the penalty double in many sequences and becomes a takeout for the unbid suits, particularly the unbid major or majors. WHAT...

Negative Thinking at Match Points by Jeff Rubens

The answer to the question “What are we doing wrong?” is that we are too positive-oriented. When faced with a critical situation, we too...