Bobby WolffWikipedia: Robert S. (Bobby) Wolff(born October 14, 1932, San Antonio, Texas) is an American bridge player, writer, and administrator. He is the only person to win world championships in five different categories.
Wolff was an original member of the Dallas Aces team, which was formed in 1968 to compete against the Italian Blue Team which was dominant at the time. The Aces were successful and won their first world championship in 1970. Wolff has won 11 world championships, over 30 North American championships, and was the president of World Bridge Federation (WBF) 1992–1994, and served as president of American Contract Bridge League (ACBL) 1987. He is the author of a tell-all on bridge chronicling 60 years on the scene, entitled The Lone Wolff, published by Master Point Press. His column, The Aces on Bridge has been appearing daily for over 32 years, is syndicated by United Feature Syndicate in more than 130 newspapers worldwide and is available online two weeks in arrears.
IMPs Dealer South. Both Vul
10 8
Q 7 5
10 9 2
A K Q J 9
A K Q 9 6
A 9 8 4
8 3
8 5
“I would rather worry without need than live without heed” _ Beaumarchais.
How quickly can you count today’s winners at 4? A heedless player counts eleven; a worrier finds a way to score ten.
West leads the K Q and third round to East’s A. Plan the play
South ruffed the third diamond and congratulated himself for stretching on to reach the spade game. His was not the picture perfect hand to bid again over North’s 3.
Quickly he started trumps from the top, hoping to pick up the suit without loss (a 3-3 split or a doubleton jack). When West discarded on the third trump, South was in trouble, He tried to run the clubs, but East ruffed and exited with his last diamond. South ruffed and lost two more heart tricks, sending the game two down.
South can assure his game if he settles for ten tricks instead of shooting for eleven. After ruffing the third diamond, South should lead a low trump toward dummy. East wins his jack early, but the defense is stymied. South can win any return ( a diamond can be ruffed in dummy), draw trumps and claim all five club winners in dummy for game.