Source: The Sumter Daily Item – 14 Dic 1974 One of the expressions invented by bridge writers is “rectifying the count.” What it boils down to is this: “If you have a certain number of sure winners and want one more, the way to develop a squeeze is to lose enough tricks to come down to that one extra.” Dealer North. All Vul
K 7 A Q J 4 K 6 4 A K 10 8
Q J 10 8 4 2 3 Q 10 9 8 3 7 6 5 9 8 7 5 2 J J 9 6 3 2
A 9 3 K 10 6 A 7 5 2 Q 5 4
West North East South
1 Pass 1NT
Pass 6NT Pass Pass
Opening lead: Q South counts 11 winners. The 12 will be there if clubs break or the club jack behaves nicely. There are also lots of squeeze possibilities. When this hand appeared in an old bridge book, South ducked a diamond at trick two and wrapped up the slam. We have changed the East-West hands somewhat; just enough so that the count rectifier would go down, but not enough so that a really top expert would not make the contract. Our really top expert wins the spade in dummy and cashes two hearts. West shows out and now our man cashes two clubs; West shows out again and East is marked with 10 hearts and clubs and has shown a spade. The way to bring home the bacon is now a spade-diamond squeeze against West and South proceeds to develop it by ducking a club to East’s jack. Now South discards two diamonds on dummy’s long heart and long club and squeezes West in spades and diamonds.
  • Oswald “Ozzie”, “Jake” Jacoby (December 8, 1902 – June 27, 1984) was an American contract bridge player and author, considered one of the greatest bridge players of all time.