Monday, February 17, 2025
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Tag: bidding

Test Yourselves II

Source: Australian Youth Bridge Championships 2017 Your partner leads the club two, using fourth-highest in principle. How would you plan the defense? What would you bid now? Find...

Test Yourselves!

Source: Australian Youth Bridge Championships 2017 You lead the king of spades. Partner overtakes it with his ace and returns the two of spades, declarer...

Achilles Heel

Source: 13-15 April 2000 5th GENERALI WORLD MASTERS Achilles, the son of Peleus and Thetis, was educated as a young man by Chiron, the centaur...

Seven Card Suits Should be Trumps by David Gold

Source: Mr Bridge I firmly believe in: "seven-card suits should be trumps." You will almost never lose control when you have seven or more trumps in...

Third & Fourth Seat Openings By Paul Lavings

Source: Most partnerships haven’t defined their strategy for third and fourth seat openings. Sort yourselves out with this quiz on third seat openings, nil vulnerable:  ...

A Handy Tip from Andy Hung

Source:  14th Coffs Coast Gold Congress at Opal Cove Resort Pairs, Bd 12, W/NS AQT965 KJ AT87 K Sitting South, you pick up this great hand with a nice...

South American Junior Championships, Medellin 2016: A Right Decision

Medellin, May 29 2016 During the VI South American Transnational Championships, Medellin 2016 we presented a "Hand of the Day", today's hand is explained by...