Monday, February 17, 2025
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Tag: bidding

What’s the Better Fit? The 4-4 vs. the 5-3 By PHILLIP...

Source:  The last paragraph of Saturday’s column generated a few queries. When is a 4-4 fit better than a 5-3, and vice versa? The best analysis...

A Balancing Act by Jim O’Neil

Source: Balancing is one of the most important, yet least discussed and least agreed-upon areas in all of bridge. “Balancing” refers to a bid or double...

Bridge: When to bid a Grand Slam By Steve Becker

Source: As a rule, a grand slam should not be undertaken unless the chances in favor of making it are at least 2-to-1. These odds...

What Does 5NT Mean?

Source: It's Your Call Partner opens the bidding, your right-hand opponent bids your void at the five level and you have a strong hand with...

Bid Weak Over Strong and Strong Over Weak by David Gold

Source: Mr Bridge Nobody is vulnerable and RHO deals and opens 3. What do you do with this? You have a hand on which you would happily...

Attack of the Two-Suiters by Rich Newell

Source: Minnesota Bridge November 17, 2017 Rich Newell, one of Des Moines' top players, shared a fun article about two suiters with us. Thanks, Rich...

Support Doubles


Which forcing raise with a singleton do you choose? By Steve...

Source: Which forcing raise with a singleton do you choose? (Editor Note: We are not posting the whole article you can access to it in the...

Bidding in bridge: Who’s in charge?

Source: /

Responding To 1NT with Andrew Robson
