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Play Modern Bridge Part 2 with Andrew Robson


Play Modern Bridge with Andrew Robson


Competitive Situations in Attack (Forcing Pass) By Norberto Bocchi

Source: Bocchi & Madala Big Bang Bridge Many times you hear about the forcing pass. The forcing pass applies when your partnership clearly has the majority...

Let the opponents play in a vulnerable part-score By Andrew Robson

Source:  Let the opponents play in a vulnerable part-score ALTHOUGH (as we saw in Click here ) vulnerability is irrelevant at match-point duplicate in an uncontested auction, it...

Should you strain to bid vulnerable games? By Andrew Robson

Source: Should you strain to bid vulnerable games? By Andrew Robson IMPACT of vulnerability is much misunderstood. I often hear rubber bridge (or Chicago or teams...

Bergen Raises

Source: Wikipedia In contract bridge, Bergen raises are conventional treatments of responses to a major suit opening in a five-card major system. Developed by Marty Bergen and first published in April 1982, Bergen raises are...

Preempts with Fit By Steve Robinson

Source:  (an extract of): Preempts with Fit Steve Robinson, ask a group of his experts friends his thoughts about: Preempts with Fit Partner opens 3 favorable and you have five...

Making “Redouble” Work for You By George Cuppaidge

Source: THIS is the hand that launched the writing of this article: 9  K Q 10 7 6 3  Q 10 9  A 10 7 You...

Guidelines to bidding hands that don’t fit with partner’s

Source:  Ginny & Jeff Schuett for There is very little written describing the approach to bidding misfitting hands, but here are some general guidelines. 1. Most...

The Art of Balancing – Sky Bridge Club
