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Tag: bidding

Brozel Convention

Source: Wikipedia Brozel is a contract bridge bidding convention used to intervene after an opposing one notrump (1NT) opening bid. It features the following calls: Double...

Opening 1NT with Off-Shape Hands and/or Suits with No Stoppers by...

Source: Steve Robinson, ask a group of his experts friends his thoughts about: Opening 1NT with Off-Shape Hands and/or Suits with No Stoppers (Feb/Mar 2010) I asked...

Walsh Convention

Source: Wikipedia 5 4 Q J K 9 8 7 3 2 7 Walsh is a convention used in the card game of bridge in response to an opening bid of 1. The convention has...

New Losing-Trick Count (NLTC)

Source: Wikipedia A "New" Losing-Trick Count (NLTC) was introduced in The Bridge World, May 2003, by Johannes Koelman. Designed to be more precise than LTC, the...

Rubens Advances

Source: Wikipedia Rubens advances (also referred to as transfer advances) constitute a bridge bidding method that can be used by a bridge partnership to respond to overcalls. The method was...

Gerber Convention

Source: Wikipedia Gerber is a contract bridge convention devised by William Konigsberger and Win Nye from Switzerland who published it in 1936; John Gerber of Texas introduced it to North America in...

No Fit? No Trump!


Raising Responder’s Major with 3 Card Support

Source: wimpy-bridge by Jim Diebel           When most of us were taught the basics of bidding, we learned that the magic number of combined cards...

Easy tips on how to cuebid your way to slam contracts

Source: Ginny & Jeff Schuett for Cuebidding without interference is an attempt to get to slam without using Blackwood, or before using Blackwood. Usually the...