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Negative Free Bid

Source: Wikipedia Negative free bid is a contract bridge treatment whereby a free bid by responder over an opponent's overcall shows a long suit in a weak hand and is not...

Opener’s Reverse By David Lindop

Source: One standard bidding concept that often leads to confusion is the ‘reverse.’ So let’s see what this term is all about. What Is a Reverse? The most common type...

‘Take Out’ Double by Antonio Riccardi & Eitan Levy (Italy &...

Source: 14-28 June 1997 43rd GENERALI EUROPEAN BRIDGE CHAMPIONSHIPS What will surely be remembered as the most dramatic deal of the Championships took place in the...

THE 3NT DAY by Dani Vikor (Hungary)

Source: 14-28 June 1997 43rd GENERALI EUROPEAN BRIDGE CHAMPIONSHIPS People who know me, know also that I am a lazy player, which means that I'm almost never...

Develop your bidding judgement By Brian Senior

         WHEN partner opens the bidding and you are looking at 17HCP, it is natural to consider the possibility of a slam. Yet slam will...

The “Rule of Ten” By Andrew Robson

Source:          The Ten gets a raw deal in bridge - counting for no points yet worth many a trick. However one...

Goren Bridge

St. Petersburg Times – 18 Oct 1951 Both vulnerable. North deals Opening lead: four of spades. There has been observed a tendency on the part of less experienced players...

Zia Cuebids

Source: Bridgeguys This is a fake cuebid and has only one purpose. The concept of this prinicple has been employed by many bridge players in the...

Slam Bidding by Joshua Donn

Source: Jan. 11, 2012 “Advanced players know the rules. Experts know when to break the rules.” - Anonymous Slam bidding is one of the most exciting parts...

An Enquiry Story By Ana Roth and Fernando Lema

Buenos Aires, November 7th A few days ago Christian LAHRMANN  (Winner: 4th World Youth Open Championships Opatija 2015 - Kids Pairs) sent us the following bidding problem to consult...