Sunday, February 16, 2025
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Tag: counting

Counting Distribution

Source: In this article, I will discuss techniques for determining the entire distribution of all 4 hands. This often lets you play as if you...

Need Some Advice: Counting

Source: by James Vogl March 15, 2016 Dear Bridgewinners, After playing for close to ten years I am still hopeless at counting the hand (shape mainly but also points). I...

Our counting skills

Source: Learning Points by Steve Moese and Mike Purcell for We’ve talked about Planning the Play where you count HCP and Tricks (winners & losers) in the...

The “Tricky” Part of Counting By Michael Connelly

Source: One of my favorite bridge students, Daisy (name changed to protect the guilty), habitually makes the bridge mistakes that are common to many neophytes....

Giving Up Losers to Get a Count by Louis Watson

The deal which follows illustrates getting a count at the very end of a hand. The declarer has to give up his losers before...

The Importance of Counting by Albert Dormer

It is quite surprising how many deals there are where, as a defender, you should endeavor to count declarer’s hand. Source:  Daily Bulletin; 24th BERMUDA BOWL....

Counting at Bridge By Larry Matheny

Source: Counting at Bridge By Larry Matheny Do you wonder how the experts always seem to guess right against you?  One of the reasons is they know...

Developing Counting Skills by Karen Walker

Source: Ever wonder why good bridge players seem to be able to see through the backs of your cards? Why they are so successful in...