Sunday, December 22, 2024
Home Tags Defensive play

Tag: defensive play

Excess Baggage by Eddie Kantar and Terence Reese

Source: Defend with your life Dealer South None Vul 8 7 4 3 6 5 4 K 8 4 2 K 10 Q J 9 A Q J J 10 9 7 A...

Telefhone Wire by Terence Reese and Eddie Kantar

Source ” Defend with your Life” Dealer South all Vul 10 K Q 3 J 10 9 7 10 9 7 4 2 K 6 5 4 3 A J 7 A 6...

Defensive Player Should Attempt to Visualize What Partner Holds

Source: Spokane Daily Chronicle – 20 Mar 1930 The great mistake the average player makes on defensive play is not trying to visualize what is in his partner’s...

Dennis Bilde Young Gun – Defensive Hand Of The Year

Peter Hollands is a very talented young bridge player who was a grand master at 23 and has represented Australia and Victoria in open...

Defensive Attitude Signals in Contract Bridge

Source: BridgeHands

With Trump Length, Lead Length by Andrew Robosn

Source: There are two diametrically opposite defensive strategies against trump contracts. You can lead from shortage and try to make your trumps by trumping; alternatively...

Defense Best Offense in Bridge

This fine example of defensive bidding and defensive play is from the 1968 Blue Ribbon. Dealer East Neither Vul --- 5 4 3 2 9 8 6 4...