Thursday, January 2, 2025
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The Rule of Fourteen By Phillip Alder

Source: Gadsden Times – 30 Abr 1991 South dealer N/S vulnerable West hand:   Q 10 9   Q 10 9 5  K 7 6  A Q 10 Lead: ??? Defense...

An Extract from The Theory of Opening Lead By Krzysztof Martens

Source: Gold Coast Congress 2016 The Theory of Opening Lead By Krzysztof Martens  Winning defence does not require exceptional skills or knowledge. Mistakes in this element...

Bridge Game is full of inferences By Phillip Alder

Source: Who said, “We do not learn by inference and deduction and the application of mathematics to philosophy, but by direct intercourse and sympathy”? Interestingly, when...

You Do the Honors Part 1 by Stan Subeck

Source: The most important cards in a deck of 52 are the honor cards. Yet many bridge players misplay these cards regularly. As a defender,...

Better Notrump Leads by Andrew Gumperz

Source: BridgeWinners How many times have you made the only lead against 3NT that allowed the contract to make? If you are like me, it seems...

The Opening Lead against a Slam Contract

Source: Contract Bridge: Bidding Principles By Col. G. G. j. Walshe  A POOR opening lead too often gives the declarer that one extra trick which he requires for...

Opening Leads By The Bridge World

Source: The Bridge World The Opening Lead Much more could be said about declarer play; many volumes have been written on this topic. An introductory bridge...

When Should I lead an Ace against a Slam?

Source: Mr. Bridge  I never know whether to lead an ace against a small slam. While I hate doing so in case the king is on my...

IMP Test

Source: 15th European Youth Bridge Championships Cardiff 96. It's not often partner doubles an enemy grand slam when you are looking at two aces. How do...

What are the pros and cons of fourth best leads vs....

Read Also: 3rd and 5th leads By Bob Crosby Source:  Answer Number 1: Luis Argerich, Three times National Champion. Many many years ago Eddie Kantar wrote an article...