Friday, July 26, 2024
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Tag: patterns

Four Card Fits by Bob Crosby

4 card fits with partner are not made for defending low level partials. The 4th card in partners trump suit is too valuable for...

Knowing Pattern of Cards Comes Easily to an Expert

Source:  By Alan Truscott One basic advantage that the expert has over lesser lights is that he has a deeply rooted awareness of distribution. The common...

Finding Pattern of a Bridge Hand – An Excellent Tip

Source: Article written by T.C. Pant, for the Delhi Bridge Association  Every good Bridge player knows that a Bridge hand is made of either 3...

Aunt Lucy By Ken Monzingo

Source: ACBL I often hear stories about everybody’s “Aunt Lucy” who plays bridge and knows every card before the play begins. Of course, nobody - Aunt...

Hand & Suit Patterns By Ken Monzingo

Source: ACBL The “expected” frequencies of Hand Patterns listed below are from Borel and Cheron’s The Mathematical Theory of Bridge, and repeated in Antonio Vivaldi and...

Hand Evaluation – Visualization ( Patterns ) By Bob Crosby

Source: Edmonton Bridge Centre; The primary & best Bridge Club in Edmonton. Best Bridge Club in Alberta for that matter. The most important concept by far in Bridge...