Ilai Baniri
Discussing some hands of this event with my friend Ilai Baniri (ISR), we decided to consult some hands with friends. I for my side and he for his, combining experience with youth, and the results are as follows.
This bidding problem was sent it by Mr. Vassilis Virvidakis Greece U26 NPC.
Problem 5: Australia against Greece Category U26
Dealer East. N/S Vul
4 3 A J 9 6 5 2 8 A J 3 2
Roberto Figueira de Mello(BRZ) WGM: Pass
Roberto Figueira de Mello
Pass: I have nothing in the spades suit.
Eric Kokish (CAN) WIM:
Eric KokishNo one would redouble today as North. 1is the standard action, so the problem is not a legitimate one . If we had bid 1(not RDBL), we would have seen a rebid from South.
David Bakhshi (ENG) WIM: Double
David Bakhshi
I Think we know have a complete guess. I would have started with 1rather than redouble. Might not have solved the problem but i could then double 4to show values (Not Penalty).
Having started with a redouble, it feels too unilateral to just bid 4N or 5, so I would make a value showing (T/O) double. When they jump to 4it is very unlikely we will have a penalty double based on trumps so double should show just show values with some defence if partner passes.
Krzysztof Martens (MON) WGM: 5
Krzyztof Martens
5. I trust opponents and bid 5. It is poker but I like it.
Brian Senior (ENG) WM: Double
Brian Senior
Double: “It would never have occurred to me to redouble.” 1is so obviously superior and should be a one-round force. Anyone who plays 1as NF – serves them right.
From this impossible position I double and, asuming that ends the auction, lead my diamond.
Ida Gronkvist (SWE) WIM: Double
Ida GRONKVISTI think the hand in itself is a very good example of why you shouldn’t redouble with very unbalanced hands.
The likelihood that you want to penalise the opponents is very small as they probably have a pretty good spade fit. On top of that, you are left in the blind as to what your own fit with partner is and partner has no idea of suspecting that you have a six card major.
Even if you play double as penalty on a low level after a redouble like this one, I think double should be take out when the opponents voluntarily bid very high. My plan is to remove 5to 5.
Christian Bakke (NOR) WM: 4NT
Christian Bakke
First of all, I would have bid 1the first time, making it a lot easier the next time.
It might also be relevant to know what options East had on the 2-level and their style of preemptive openings.
However, West chose, opposite a passed-hand partner, to double followed by 4, instead of bidding 4directly, so he should have a huge hand. They probably make some tricks in 4, and if we have fit somewhere, we can make some tricks ourselves, although the delay is probably not the best for us.
We can make slam opposite something like x K10xx AKQJx xxx, and give West AKQxxxxx – x KQxx they can make 4as well.
I bid 4NT, hoping to find the best game, and it might also push the opponents to 5.
Will probably get another problem over the expected 5D bid from p. He could have a solid 6/7-card D suit or 2353, but I will probably correct to 5. I’m not afraid that p might misunderstand that as a good 5bid, since I with a single suiter for sure would have started with 1, so 4NT gives a small chance of finding a club fit.
It might be dangerous to bid, but it might be more dangerous not to bid.
Roberto Martinez (URU): Pass
Roberto Martinez
Pass. No bid 1the first round was a mistake.
Now you have to guess so my option is Pass
Asaf Yekutieli (ISR) Double
BBO Nick: tol23
The bid that comes to mind in DBL. RHO’s gamble seems to have run into a spectacular defensive holding of ours.
The main shortcoming is that our hand is rather poor offensively: if partner pulls to 5, we are in bad shape (ex: Axx Qx KQxxxxx K).
We ought to guess partner’s shape: RHO’s urgency looks indicative of heart shortness, leaving partner with semi-balanced (or, if systematically possible, balanced) holding. Therefore, the scenario we feared, of partner pulling to 5, seems unlikely.
Conclusion: DBL.
Adam Stokka (SWE) Double
I wouldnt RDBL, I would just bid 1the first time.
But if I bid RDBL i would bid DBL now.
Double = 5 experts
Pass = 3 experts
5 = 1 expert
4NT = 1