Source: Event Bulletin
Board 11, the last board of the day on Sunday, produced several double‐digit swings. N/S can make 4

and E/W can make 4

At six tables E/W played in 4

doubled. Four of the six declarers found a way to make ten tricks and collected 590 for their efforts. Two tables played in 4

undoubled and both declarers collected nine tricks. Three N/S pairs found the sacrifice and played in 5

doubled, taking nine or ten tricks.

In the Levine/McAllister match, Mark Lair found himself in 3

X. McAllister (North) opened 1

and Lair overcalled a natural 3

. Kevin Rosenberg made a negative double and McAllister chose to defend. The opening lead was the

9 to North’s ace. North returned a heart and Lair won in dummy with the ace. The

was led and when North followed small, Lair took the deep finesse; he inserted the

7! Now Lair drove out the trumps and lost only three more tricks for +470. At the other table E/W reached 4

which failed by one trick. 11 IMPs to Levine.

The most unusual result on this board occurred in the Schireson/Donner match. Michael Rosenberg opened 1

on the North hand. Adam Grossack had no convenient bid with the East hand. He passed. Geeske Joel bid 1

on the South hand and Rosenberg surprised LHO, Zach Grossack by rebidding 2

! Grossack led the

6 and Rosenberg won the

A and
led the

9. Grossack won the club and underlead his

A. Rosenberg tried the

J and Botta covered with the

Q; Rosenberg ruffing. Rosenberg played his

K, and the hand imploded! The contracted failed by 5 tricks scoring ‐250. At the other table, E/W played in 4

x and took only eight tricks for ‐300 and 11 IMPs to Donner.
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