September 15, 2019
September 14th: Not long after 7 p.m. on Saturday, September 14th, World Bridge Federation President Gianarrigo Rona declared the 44th World Bridge Team Championships open. The applause in the packed banquet hall at the Wuhan Asia Hotel was thunderous as the anticipation of another large-scale international tournament in China reached fever pitch. Among the celebrants were members of the 96 teams gathered to compete in the top events in world bridge, from the Bermuda Bowl to the World Transnational Open Teams. (Source: Bulletin 1).
On Sunday, 15 September, 11.00; was the kick off for all the teams.
These are some of the Boards played the day 1:
Italy-USA2: Board 3 produced the first double digit swing when USA2 managed to bid a slam where Italy stopped at the game level.
Board 3 (RR, Round 1)
But what happened with this board through the different championships?
In the Bermuda Bowl, only India, Sweden and USA 2, in the Venice Cup only Denmark, in the d’Orsi Trophy only USA 2 and Bulgaria, and in the Mixed Teams only Canada, found their way to the slam.
Many couples hit the brakes at 6on board 20, while for example De Wijs – Muller landed in the Grand.
Board 20 (RR, Round 2)Board 21 (RR, Round 2)
Some bidding interferences generated clues and helped some couples to stop before the game.
Board 23, (RR, Round 2): Reminded a Bols Tip to the BBO commentators.
rhelle: This is a fine example of the ‘kill point’ as described by the late Jens Auken.
Both pairs with their own methods arrived to the 3NT contract, but at one table North was the declarer and at the other South was the declarer.
De Wijs in North received the 7 lead: declarer played a small spade from dummy, Levin played his 9, and declarer’s J won the first trick to continue with a small diamond (6), De Wijs played dummy’s3, after watching East play the 4, and Levin after founding himself in the lead with the10, left his hand with the6.
After winning the trick with the Q, Weinstein entered in the tank. At this point a club return (the ‘kill point’) would have been the only one that could have a chance to defeat the contract but a heart return helped declarer to make the game. This was what a BBO commentator wrote:
And if a world class player like Steve Weinstein doesn’t find it, it means it is just about impossible.
At the other table a heart lead would have been the ‘kill point’ but the leader chose a club.