Janis Ilzins , Martins Balodis, Martin Maasik & Karl-Markus Pruul
Netherlands U21 (Schools)
Oscar Nijssen, Tim van de Paverd, Tobias Westerveld, Dieter Goudzwaard, Jasper Blom, Sander Goor, Ronald Goor, Xavier Friesen & NPC Ruben Buijs
1 of 6
At the start of the match David Burn commented in BBO: Latvia some way off the pace at the moment, but a couple of big wins and who knows?
I looked the standings and saw that Latvia begun this match in the 11th position in the hearts section.
The very first board produced a 14 IMPs huge swing favoring Latvia when they stayed playing a calm heart game, while Netherlands risked the heart slam and ended three down.
Both teams arrived to the heart slam in the second board a terrible trump distribution stopped them to make it in both tables.
David Burn recognized the situation with this words: don’t know the Dutch for “curses”, but I suspect if I went to the vugraph room I would learn it.
And continued at the end of the play: so this really was an unlucky slam – and good that they bid it at the other table for honourable flat board.
Board 24 was a surprise…for all I think Board 24
In one table after a 1opening bid, 1continuation and 2rebid by West…East jumped to game, 3NT. Making four = +430 for Netherlands S..
At the other table Latvia started in the same way: 1opening bid, 1continuation and 2rebid by West…but now East decided not even a game invitation and passed …
David Burn
Latvia lost 8 IMPs with this move and perhaps part of his emotional peace for the rest of the match. Again D. Burn had the last words: trying for the world record stopper in the unbid suit.
Board 26 presented a real slam …no table arrived to the slam…but both tables saw 12 tricks for declarer and so both teams lost the possibility to earn good IMPs.
Board 29 was a nice Latvia Board…they arrived to a nice slam that wasnt played in the other room. Board 29
After North’s 3opening bid, came two pass, Pruul (LAT) reopen bidding 4. And now Maasik with two aces started to look for the better game and said 4, his partner showed his second suit clubs, and Maasik showed his 5 cards support with a cuebid, they landed in the club slam…the ace heart lead won the first trick, the heart continuation was ruffed. Next came club ace and club king and diamond ace…when the diamond queen appeared the declarer claimed his contract.
At the other table Netherlands S. started in the same way but after West’s 4, East closed the game.
The match ended: Latvia 38 – Netherlands Schools 24