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August 23, 2019
BANIRI Ilai Ilan (Israel) SANDIN Alexander (Sweden)
Today the first 26 pairs in the U 26 Open Pairs Championship are battling for only one spot: the number one position. In the race the pair: BANIRI Ilai Ilan (Israel)- SANDIN Alexander (Sweden) played a beautiful end position, leaving their enemy with no option, in the second session 2 Board 12. Session 2 Board 12 Dealer West, N/S Vul
A 10 8 7 5 4 A K 7 4 J 7 4
Q J 6 Q 5 3 2 A 6 A 10 9 3 2 J 10 8 6 4 Q 10 3 2 K 8 2
K 9 3 9 7 K J 9 8 5 Q 6 5
West North East South
Baniri Sandin 
1 1 2 2
3 3 All Pass
Opening Lead: J
Ilai Baniri
Declarer won the first trick with the ace of hearts and played a diamond. After East’s small diamond North played dummy’s J, and West won with the A to return another heart. Ilai won with the K, and continued playing a diamond to theK and ruffed a diamond in his hand. This was the position: Dealer West/N/S Vul
A 10 8 7 5 J 7 4
Q J 6 Q 5 A 10 9 2 10 8 6 Q K 8 2
K 9 3 9 8 Q 6 5
Ilai continued playing the 8, East played his2, dummy played the 3 and West won the trick with his Q, but he was end played, no card from his hand was able to defeat the contract. A heart return gave declarer a ruff-discard, a club return gave declarer a club trick and a spade return cleared options for the declarer.

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