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August 24, 2019 In the fourth round of the U 26 Open Category Australia faced Natt (an England team). At one of the tables AUSTRALIA: Matthew SMITH (Australia)  Jamie THOMPSON (Australia) sitting N/S faced Natt: Shahzaad NATT (England)– Ben NORTON (England) sitting E/W. At the other AUSTRALIA: John MCMAHON (Australia)Nicholas RANSON (Australia); faced Natt: Stephen KENNEDY (England) – Junyuan YE (England)

Natt – Norton
The first boards only produced a couple of IMPs, but Board 29 generated a huge swing.

You can play the hands card by card

In one table after two pass, Smith (AUS) opened with a 4bid, and Norton (Natt) decided to double, a pass by Natt would have generated a good result for his team, but with 4-4 in the majors and not much defense he chose to mention his hearts. This time was Thompson’s time to double. Two down meant +500 for Australia. At the other table, Kennedy opened at the three level, that helped Mcmahon to say 3NT, easy to play: + 430. So in this board Australia added in both tables obtaining 15 IMPs. Board 31

You can play the hands card by card

Kennedy (Natt) opened 1, and his partner answered 1, Ranson in East showed the minors, after South pass, Mcmahon (no vulnerable vs vulnerable) jumped to the fifth level, and Ye chose to play instead of double, so the Natt team arrived to a 5 contract. TheQ lead let declarer with no posibilities and he went one down. At the other table Smith (AUS) had an easier bidding and could play at the fourth level making his contract for 12 IMPs.

The match ended: Australia 29 – Natt 21.

Australia continued in the pole position:
Final Rankings  
Rank Team VPs
2 GERMANY 51.10
3 SIVY B 48.94

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